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How can I test Feedback Notification ?
A Feedback notification is triggered when a seller successfully left a feedback to a buyer or a buyer leaves a feedback to a seller.
Detailed Description
You need to have two sandbox test accounts, say testseller and testbuyer for testing Feedback Notification.
1. Make SetNotificationPreferences API request to subscribe to Feedback notification event for the user testseller as below:
2. List a Chinsee item with BuyItNowPrice as Sandbox user testseller
3. Log into the Sandbox site and purchase the item by click the item's Buy It Now button as the user testbuyer
4. The user testbuyer pays the item puchased in step 3.
5. The user testseller makes CompleteSale to update the items payment status/shipping status and leaves feedback as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
6. testseller checks if the Feedback notfication is sent to the notfication listener that specified in the SetNoticationPreference API request. The sample Feedback notification that triggered by Seller's leaving feedback action is as below. Please note that the seller's uerID appears in both RecipientUserID and CommentingID tags.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CommentText>Seller to buyer (item 110018143722) Great transaction, great buyer!</CommentText>
<ItemTitle>Feedback 5 item title</ItemTitle>
<ItemPrice currencyID="USD">10.0</ItemPrice>
7. When the user testbuyer leaves Feedback for the seller of the item, the seller receives another Feedback notification with the buyer's userID shows in CommentingUser tag .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CommentText>Great +++++++ !</CommentText>
<ItemTitle>Feedback item title</ItemTitle>
<ItemPrice currencyID="USD">10.0</ItemPrice>
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